Thursday, September 10, 2009


Here are some pictures of Naomi and Eliza "coloring". Whenever we go to restaurants, the servers always bring us crayons. Even when the girls were 7 or 8 months-old, we got crayons at restaurants. Now that they are 16 months-old, David and I finally started letting them experiment with crayons. After a couple minutes of "coloring", they both started to eat the crayons... but it was sure cute while it lasted.




Naomi - check out that form

Eliza - David and I think she may be left-handed. She favors her left hand when eating, throwing, and reaching for things. I guess only time will tell. (Also, check out Na in the background reading. She "reads" all the time. We're talking hours each day.)

1 comment:

DISCussions on children said...

I love them so much!!!
G.A. Lib